Wednesday, February 18, 2009

I Wanna Rob A Bank

I went into the bank today and saw this whole wall of security cameras...... did you ever get the feeling you were being watched? I got to thinking: I would love to go into a bank with a ski mask on. Then, just when the people start to panic, take off the mask and say: "Whoo, is it cold outside!" Before I took the mask off, though, I'd like to walk up to a teller and say, "I'd like to make a withdrawal, please."
Okay, that would definitely get me arrested, but it would be fun if I could get away with it. I could just see the faces of those angry cops though. "You were what?....A joke?.... Whatever, watch your head gettin' into the car."

Don't forget to check us out at to see our CDs and future bookings. We're still accepting dates for 2009. But sorry, we can't fit in anymore dates for 2008....


Monday, February 2, 2009

Riddle me this: How much wood would a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Answer: He'd cut a cord of Cedar, if you gave him a quarter for every cord that he cut.

You are probably thinking "What on Earth does that have to do with your ministry?" The answer is .....absolutely nothing, I just thought that you might get a blessing out of an old, stupid tongue twister with an ending that you may not have heard before!

Wow! Your right, that was dumb. Anyway, Josh and I are very excited about this new year already. We have already logged more dates in the book for the year than we did for all of 2008!
The newest dates should be posted soon, with more on the way shortly.
Our big brother Mark and his wife Andrea have hit the road for Florida. They will be down there 'till about the third week of April, and we wish them a happy,safe, rewarding trip (Although Mom's so jealous that she's thinking of burning down his house in Michigan).
When he returns in April, Josh and I will hopefully begin work on our new CDs as quickly as possible. We'd like to get them out by sometime in the late spring/early summer time.

Our services on Jan. 25th went well. We were at Victory Baptist Church for Sunday school and their morning service. They were an excellent crowd! They laughed at pretty much everything that we said, and they seemed to enjoy the music and message.
That night we traveled with our college choir to Grace Baptist Church in Coeman, Mi. for a revival that they were hosting that week. You can read Josh's last blog for some funny stuff on that.
This coming Sunday we will be in Brown City,Mi. in the morning, and traveling with the choir again that afternoon for Tri-City Baptist church in Saginaw that night.
The Lord's been so good to us already this year, and we are eagerly anticipating what He has for us in the future for our ministry.

In Christ,
Stephen Forester

p.s. My birthday is this Saturday.........Just thought you'd like to know!