Thursday, August 28, 2008

More news about our ministry

Hey, everyone, I'm sorry that we haven't been putting up new blogs recently, but things have been pretty busy here with us for several reasons. For one thing, we had a little scare with my Dad's health this week when he had to go to the emergency room in the hospital for heart trouble. His heart was beating almost three times as fast as it normally would, and he was in serious danger of a stroke or heart attack. But we thank the Lord that after several days in the hospital, his heart rate was stabilized and he was sent home with a bag full of medicine. We now must keep a close eye on him to see if there are any adverse side effects such as lowering the heart rate too much or messing up his blood pressure.

Back to the ministry stuff. If you haven't read it already, check out Josh's last blog to read his big news. I don't know for sure if I will be on that program, but I am excited for my brother anyway.

I called the Pastor of Riverwalk Baptist Church this week, and learned exactly what we are supposed to do for their Family Carnival on October 4. We will be doing short shows once every hour featuring puppets, magic, skits, and whatever else we think is appropriate for a group of several hundred elementary school kids. We will present the Gospel in different ways, and we pray that many will trust Christ that day.(We also pray for good weather!)

We appreciate all your prayers,

1 comment:

Adam Wallace said...

I'm praying for your father.