Monday, May 18, 2009

A Freshman No More

Hooray! It's official: my brother Stephen and I have completed our freshman year of college! And guess what: they're gonna let us back in next fall! I couldn't hardly believe it either. Anyway, It's been a really exciting year, and part is kinda sorry its over with. But, there's a bigger part of me that says
"Yeeeeeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!" I love school and all, but there's just something about that free air that isn't polluted by the smell of midterms and finals. Ask any college student and they'll tell you that you wind up writing so many papers, tests, quizzes, and what-not that you get finger cramps. Oh well, that's life....or is it pork reins??? Oh well, next fall I'll be heading back to the world of macadamia, and I'll get to do it all over again. Gotta go now: finger cramp.

Check out our website, , to see all about us.


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