Last night my brother and I went to a church and sang with the college quartet. Afterward there was a party at somebody's house (whose name I do not know), but they had food, so we went. They had a volleyball court out back, covered in sand and lined in wood. The problem: my brother and I had no change of clothes whatsoever. So, Stephen took off his boots and socks, rolled up his dress-pant legs and played some volleyball. Meanwhile, I stood back, looking at him and thinking, "What a dork..." as I tried to kill mosquitoes buzzing my head by slapping myself in the face repeatedly. To make matters worse, they started spraying mosquito fogger around the edge of the volleyball court. I think that was their way of saying, "DEATH TO THE ASTHMATIC COMEDIAN!!!" I don't have real bad asthma, just enough to not want to put a straw on mosquito fogger (although I hear it's actuality quite exhilarating!)
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1 comment:
Pronunciation: \ˈdig-nə-tē\
Function: noun
Date: 13th century
1 the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed
2 a: high rank, office, or position b: a legal title of nobility or honor
3 formal reserve or seriousness of manner, appearance, or language
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