Friday, August 14, 2009

News.... And Food

Banana fudge waffles!... That has absolutely nothing to do with what I'm gonna say; I was just trying to figure out if those would be amazing or horrifically gross. Ask me after my stomach stops turning like a combine.
In other news, my brother and I did a program last Saturday at Chapel in the Pines Mucus Barn.... wait... make that MUSIC Barn. I wasn't hookd on fonics. Anyway, we were actually taped to be on local TV! There were three cameras, so I always tried to keep my best side facing them...weird...first concert I've ever done with my back to the audience.
After that we went to Bloomingdale Christian Church that Sunday evening. We had a lot of fun there, but one thing would have made it Pizza with chicken on top; and extra cheese; and sausage, and loads of ice cream, pistachios, oh..oh..oh...taste-bud cramp!
Then we went to Mulliken to do an ice cream social. We were doing our last song and I was goofing off (if you've seen us before, you know what I mean!) and I started rummaging through a garbage can. I found a doggie box that felt heavy, so I was going to pull it out for a laugh. Unfortunately, my gerbil-sized brain didn't think that it would be melted ice cream, and that stuff ran all over my hand. At least I THINK it was ice cream; I'm still not sure exactly what it was. It tasted good, though.

Check out our website,, to see our pics, news, and schedule. As Tigger would say, TTFB: Ta ta for...wait... I'll get back to you on that....


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