Q: How much wood would a wood-chuck chuck, if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?
A: He'd cut a quarter of a cord of Conifer if you gave him a quarter for every cord he cut!
Why would I waste this space to write about something a dumb as that? I have no idea! Maybe I'm just trying to impress any and all ladies that may be reading this?
Aw, who am I kidding, I'll probably never figure out the right way to attract a girl, and I'm sure that coming up with (OK, ripping off) dumb sayings is not the way to do it either.
Really, I have no hope for love on this planet. What I'm really hoping for is that there is life on other planets. After all, if there is life on other planets, probably some of them will be female, right?
I really hope so, because girls on this planet don't seem to want anything to do with me. Can't you just see me on a date with an alien: We are walking side by side, I'm holding her eight-fingered hand, staring into her one large eye, while trying to figure out which set of lips to kiss!
Not-so sincerely,
my granddaughter thinks you are cute!
Does that mean I have competition?
tee hee hee ^_^
Yes you do!!!! I think that he is the most good looking thing out there. Just not sure that he is interested in me. But, maybe one day we will meet up the rest will be history!!!! YAY!!!
stephen, you will find someone someday :) from someone that you used to like...he he, you WILL find someone...God knows all and sees all :)
JOSHUA...hmmmm why not do a blog on "Joshua and girls" i've always thought he was cute ever since cross america 2009 :) handsome boy. and Godly most of all...we shall see...
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