Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Weekend News and Red Bull

This past weekend my brother and I went to an all-night youth lock-in....no, we didn't stay all night long. I may be nineteen, but I just don't have the energy I used to. I used to be able to stay up all night on nothing but a pixie stick and a cup of Kool-Aid. Now you can't keep me up past eleven with a Red Bull, a 5-Hour Energy AND a pot of black coffee. Oh well, I guess we all get old sometime....I was just kind of hoping it would happen to me after another fifty years.
Anyway, we did the lock-in that night and had a great time. The church put us up in a lovely house with some fantastic people (thanks again!) and we had the Sunday Morning service the next day. All in all it was a great weekend (except for the squirrels.... never give a squirrel peanut butter...).



2010! said...

yeah lol i'm 18 and i in no way can stay up passed 12 hahahah. i remember the days of being able to sray up on a pixie stick and Koll-aid, and the freaky Kool-aid guy kept me up...AFRAID ha. but yeah don't ever give a squirl peanut butter ;)

Anonymous said...

do you guys only schedule your "appointements" in Michgan?