Tuesday, August 17, 2010

I Hate Cats

So, my brother blogged about the concert we did on the 14th, but he DIDN'T mention one very.... interesting thing that happened. We were in a barn, singing in front of what you could call a pyramid of hay bails. The concert was going well, right up until we got to our last song, "On My Journey Home". Now, if you've seen us before, you know that some interesting things happen on that song, but NOTHING has ever happened like this before. We're singing in front of this stack of hay, and afterward I was informed of a hilarious incident. Right in the middle of the song, a cat had climbed up on top of the stack of hay where everyone could see him. The cat then began to dig a nice little hole in the hay... also known as a kitty toilet. Yes folks, right in the middle of our performance, that cat decided to lay his burdens down, and it was NOT at the feet of Jesus, do you know what I mean? Nothing like a good show stealer.

Don't forget to stop by our website at http://www.foresterministries.com/ to see all about us and... well... everything else that's there too!


1 comment:

2010! said...

hahahahahahahaha!!!!!! i hate em', to!!! LOL