Our concert last Sunday was a little different experience from what we've had lately. The church was literally within walking distance from our house! The only reason that we did not actually walk was because we still had to get all of our equipment over there!
Only fourteen people showed up, but it was still a great night. The pastor loved us, and sat in the back row of the church, laughing his head off at just about everything that we did, and most of the people did the same thing!
There was one lady who found all of our stuff so funny that she laughed almost constantly, even if it wasn't funny......I must say that it was a little odd to have her laughing so hard during MY GUITAR SOLO! (LOL!)
All in all, it was a great night. It was also very nice to get home so soon afterward as well. Traveling very far away for our concerts is fun, and we both love the ride, fast-food, and general experience, but sometimes it's nice to do a date at a church where we only use about 2 cents worth of gasoline.
Also, be sure to watch for an announcement for our soon-coming Facebook fan page! Soon we'll have a new page there where you can become a fan and catch all of our latest updates from the world's most popular social site.
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