Friday, September 25, 2009

Playing Primate Pranks...(Possibly, People)

Sorry we haven't written a blog in a while. Do you have any idea how hard it is to get off a life sentence? No, I wasn't in prison....the zoo. They finally found me! Those people aren't exactly the FBI. Although I have to admit I will miss the food... Me and the gorilla made an alliance and we escaped together.....I'm not sure exactly where he went, but he probably went where all monkeys go: public office!
Anyway, enough monkeying around. I'd like to give you all a piece of news......if only I had some! Oh, well, I guess I'll just make something up. "In other news, three chimpanzees broke into a hardware store late last night and took only one thing: a monkey wrench." Okay, so I like monkeys. I'm not really sure why; humans are nothing like monkeys. Have you ever noticed the biggest difference between monkeys and human males? Monkeys have hair everywhere on their bodies EXCEPT their chests! If we evolved, I'd say something got a little messed up. I guess monkeys always sleep on their stomachs in the winter; otherwise they'd wake up with frozen belly-button lint. I know, I know, monkeys aren't from where it's cold. They don't come from Michigan; I know quite well that they come from Scotland.

Anyway, if you're done with all the monkey business, you can go to our website at to see our CDs and schedule. (Not that you'd really care after reading this blog, but oh well.)


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