Friday, May 22, 2009

Hey loyal readers, I just thought that I'd let you know that we've been having some problems getting our website updated, which is why there have not been any new concert dates posted recently. We actually have quite a few new ones that need to be posted, and if we can't straighten this web page thing out soon I'll just post the latest ones here on our blog temporarily. We are looking to soon rebuild our website so that we will be able to update it ourselves and not rely on someone from Texas to do it for us. Up until now, He's done a fantastic job, but lately his work is demanding so much of his time that he hasn't been able to post the updates that I have been e-mailing him. For now, keep an eye on our schedule, and if no new dates are posted soon, I'll put them up here to keep everyone informed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

can i just state that you two make me a good way, i guess lol...i will miss you both when i leave but hopefully i'll be able to check ur guyzes web page and stuff...keep servin God with ur talents, i think its great(its always been my dream to do what you guys do)well have fun!!!!