Monday, June 22, 2009

Recent ministry date in Beulah, Mi.

On June 14th, Josh and I did the morning service for Homestead Community Church in Beulah, Mi. Since the booking was about three and a half hours away, I asked the pastor if he could arrange for a stay in an inexpensive hotel room for the night. He agreed, and much to my surprise, the room was actually quite nice! Most hotel rooms have terribly hard beds and pillows, but this place was quite comfortable.
It was, however, VERY small! It was so small that when I put the key into the doorknob, it went through the window!.....So small that even the mice were hunch-backed!.....So small that the bathroom had a folding toilet!....So small that there was no room for a complaint!.....So small that the bathroom could fit inside a porta-potty!
OK, It wasn't quite that small, and it was actually very comfortable. We had a great service, sold some CDs, I preached, and we had an all around good day.


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