Friday, October 8, 2010

College.... And Algebra

Well, we've been back to school for about six weeks now, and things are going pretty well....well, mostly anyway. This semester, the instrument of torture is algebra. Did you know that people in the Middle Ages used algebra as a torture to the death? I can picture a dark, wet dungeon with a man stretched out on a rack while Quasimodo tutors him in advanced algebra. That poor, poor man. It's not so much that I'm having trouble with the subject, it's just that I don't like math without any numbers! It's like they're trying to teach me the alphabet and make me speak Spanish at the same time. Now I have no idea what the sequence of letters is supposed to be. I think it's something like "A, B, C, D, a+b= 4/5 - x (-7 + y)". I could be a little off, but that sounds more and more accurate every time I go to class. Oh well, it's not like algebra or the alphabet will ever get me anywhere in life.


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