Friday, June 18, 2010

New Website Changes

Well, my cursed Internet connection didn't work tonight, so I had to borrow my brother's. I had to run over to Mark's house to bring him something he needed, so I volunteered his Internet in return!
Anyway, I'm making some new changes to the website. I've been altering the pictures pages. It seems that I originally made them a little too crammed, so even if you have a fairly fast connection, it may have taken you a little while to see all of the pictures on either of the two pages. I've been shrinking the pictures so that there is not so much to load, and have been putting fewer pictures on each page. There are now three pages, with most all of the original pictures back online. It's still a work in progress, but hopefully sometime next week I'll be able to get the rest of the old pictures back up, and put up a bucket full of new ones!
No guarantees though, I'm still stuck on dial-up, and we're having trouble with it. We are working to try a way to finally get hi-speed Internet at my house, or I may just have to do it at my brothers' house again!
He'd better hope that I don't get a hankering to fix my website at 3:00am!

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