Friday, June 25, 2010

A Miracle!

"Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Let the people rejoice!" At long last, ladies and gentlemen, we finally have faster Internet! (insert Hallelujah Chorus here!) After trying to get high-speed Internet from from every provider around, and failing, we finally just went to a Verizon Wireless store and bought one of those 3G USB wireless adapters. Our signal strength is three out of four bars, so it should stay connected. It's not quite as fast as a true high-speed connection, but it's leaps and bounds over our old dial-up.......I can actually see the pictures that I've posted on my website now......from my own house!
Now that we have descent Internet, I'll be making more website changes soon (!.....AT LAST!). Be watching for new pictures and other things coming to our website (, as well as more frequent blogs (hopefully, faster Internet doesn't cure lazy bloggers!)

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