Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So, I found out today that my pet germ has moved on to that great cold infestation in the sky. Oh well, on the bright side, the concert, as my brother said, went VERY well. I'm upset that Michael wasn't there, but it was still god in spite of that. we got our picture taken with a bunch of people who don't know who we are, and then we drove and drove and drove...and drove... and drove.... mater of fact, I'm pretty sure that the car is ready to sue us for abuse.
Anyway, the school year is more than half over and I'm looking forward to summer and dreading it at the same time. It's like another weird pair-of-oxen.....oh, kielbasa!If I can ever say right just paradox once, I'll be able to die happy. I just can't seem to say paradox without messing up some part of the word. Tricky word, paradox. Anyway, it's like a strange pair-of-...never mind. it's that I'm looking forward to summer and dreading it at the same time. I really enjoy college, but I'm looking forward to summer break; however, I am NOT looking forward to mosquitoes. Or platypuses. Those things scare me.


1 comment:

2010! said...

when do you EVER come in contact w/ platypuses?!?!? forget that question lol