Saturday, July 12, 2008

You Need Me, Gaither!!!

I have here a list of reasons why I think Bill Gaither should bring me into his tours....(should he ever find out I exist):

There is a Christian duty to be filled: Frankly, most of the great Homecoming Heroes have gone on, causing a gap that must be filled by younger folks. I am merely a willing vessel, a young and humble individual that is willing to allow the Lord to use him to reach the lost with the Good News of God's saving grace. I have no need of fortune or fame (Hi Mom!), I am only a humble servant, praying that the Lord will see fit to allow me to serve Him.

Gaither needs talent: I think that he needs someone who has talent, someone with that aura of wonderfulness and funny-bone factor that can make audiences laugh 'til they cry........... oh, sudoku, I just gave a reason why he WOULDN'T hire me!!!

And lastly.............I'm free anytime he wants me: I still have a few bookings that he can use me with (67...68...69...), and I believe I can work him into my schedule! I usually don't like to play favorites, but if he really needs me this much, I guess I can make an exception.

Yeah.........right. With my luck, some foot doctor named Phil Gaither will want me to help him pull fungus out of people's toes! "No, you don't need a tool, just reach in and get it with your fingers!" Oh well. I know that the Lord has a plan and I am eager to see what He is already doing with our ministry. Be sure to check us out at and take a look at our CDs!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

maybe someday you will be with gaither.I hope to see you at the pix in lapeer.

Bob Jorley